Cleaning the mind's desktop
Everything in this world needs cleaning and detoxification. For example, our homes, our bodies, our clothes, our computers, our teeth, our cars, the roads, and so many other things—the list would be endless.
The mind is something we don't often think about cleaning, which results in it becoming overloaded at times.
We need to incorporate its care and cleaning into our activities if we want it to support us consistently, without interruptions.
There are many simple ways to care for its proper functioning and well-being so it can support us to the fullest in our endeavors :
1. Too Many Open Files
Just like a computer with 20 files open simultaneously runs slower, so does our mind when we keep too many files open at once.
To close these "files," try :
- Taking care of
- pending tasks first, like paying bills, having necessary discussions, scheduling appointments, or addressing any other matters on hold.
This approach will free up a significant amount of mental and emotional energy and greatly reduce your stress.
2. Free Up Memory Space
Our brain is undoubtedly designed to think and generate ideas, but it struggles to constantly retain short-term information like ideas that aren't immediately actionable or plans for a year later.
To free up this precious memory space, try :
- Writing down ideas, inspirations, or tasks whenever possible. and creating an easily accessible system for recording ideas and thoughts—use a journal, an app, or the notes on your phone.
This way, you'll save mental space, keep your inspirations intact, and ensure you don't forget your ideas or tasks.

3. Improve Incoming Inputs
As is widely known, our minds are shaped by what we read, watch, and listen to daily.
This means that these activities should be done with intention. Otherwise, our brain will gradually turn into a garbage bin—something I that is not desirable.
To avoid transforming brain into a trash can, you can try :
- Periodically checking whether the incoming information aligns with what you want your brain to know and retain.
An easy way to do this is to ask yourself about any piece of information you're about to consume:
"Does this contribute something meaningful to my life? Is the information useful for me? "
If not, simply skip it and move on to something that adds value, usefulness, and meaning.
4. Maintain the Health of Your Hard Drive
Minds good health starts with the good health of your body.
Good health means exercise, quality nutrition, quality sleep, rest, and preventive medical care.
If you want to try something new, consider the Japanese technique Hara Hachi Bu, which encourages eating until you're 80% full.
5. Disconnect Regularly
Sometimes, our mind needs a good restart.
This restart could be:
- Spending time in nature, relaxing through meditation, practicing silence, or using mindfulness techniques.
The key here is to remember that for your brain to reset, it needs a break from incoming information. Let go of your concerns for a while and distance yourself from daily activities and hobbies.
For small daily resets, try :
- Avoiding contact with electronic devices for one hour before bed and one hour after waking up.
After all, silence is a choice.
A healthy and well-cared-for mind leads to less stress, less overload, more tranquility, and better clarity!

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