The Universe of Possibilities: Embrace Abundance and Let Go of Control
The mind of most people operate through the lens of scarcity, even though they enjoy thriving on the chemistry of optimism.
Not because there's anything wrong with them, but because they are designed to ensure the survival and safety of the body they inhabit.
Furthermore, the life experiences of the majority of people have added to this dynamic the knowledge that, at any moment, anyone can find themselves in a state of scarcity in any aspect of their lives.
It's not easy to avoid thinking about scarcity, especially since the world around us seems to be built upon it.
However, there's a difference between acting with foresight and acting out of fear that we might lose what we have or what we dare to desire.
Instead of thinking that life is a zero-sum game, with winners and losers, it is preferable to adopt a mindset of possibilities and abundance.
And when I say abundance, I don't just mean that enticing feeling that tells us we can have all the wealth in the world with all our desires fulfilled.
Rather, I mean developing a different way of thinking that leads us in different directions, away from the diminishing paths that have the potential to reduce and shrink us.
Cultivating a new, proper mindset of abundance means accepting a new belief as true, one that tells us that everything out there in life exists in sufficient, not scarce, supply. Whether it concerns money, collaborations, friendships, partners, opportunities, or possibilities.
If we think that the supply is always sufficient, then our choices, decisions, and actions will be very different from those that would arise if we thought the supply was scarce.
By adopting a new way of thinking regarding the supply of what we want, need, and desire to experience, we distance ourselves from the tendency to control, which arises from the fear of decline, shrinkage, and scarcity, while still maintaining an objective perception of reality. This is equally important to include in the equation so that we don't fall into the aforementioned illusion.
A characteristic example regarding the sufficiency or insufficiency of supply is the presence of the well-known cola brand in the market. This brand has a product that has held one of the top positions in consumer preferences for years.
Through the lens of scarcity, all other soft drink companies should have voluntarily shut down, especially smaller, local businesses, as this company, according to the mindset of insufficient supply, has consumed all potential buyers.
On the other hand, the mindset of sufficient supply tells us that there will always be buyers who will choose other soft drinks. And of course, this has been proven repeatedly; otherwise, there would only be one soft drink on store shelves instead of a variety.
But let's explore how this shift away from control and the change in mindset from scarcity to sufficiency and abundance works.

It operates through active cognitive release, which tells us :
"In the world of measurements and numbers, you set a goal and strive for it. Meanwhile, in the universe of possibilities, you define the framework and let life unfold."
It's a dual movement that defines our direction in life in an unlimited way.
And how could it be otherwise?
We are used to thinking through our limited beliefs, which resemble mathematical equations.
If I do or don't do X, then Y will or won't happen.
Where X could be a small action like waking up on time, sending an email, or participating in a social activity, and Y is an outcome that I either want to happen or fear will or won't happen.
For example, this equation might suggest to me, "If I don't say yes to everything I'm asked to do at work, I might not get the promotion, I might not have other clients, or I might get fired."
This type of thinking appears when the mind is in a state of scarcity, that is, when it believes that life's supply will not be sufficient.
Yes, reality isn't always stable. It seems to change continuously, just like the weather.
However, the weather may be unpredictable, but it's not the same everywhere on Earth. It could be stormy in one place and sunny in another.
If the equations in our mind focus only on the storms, then that's where we'll head, and that's what we'll act upon, as it's the only thing in our sights.
But if our mind's equations operate according to the equation of abundance we described earlier, then the equation itself will be open to identifying the path to sunny weather, beyond the confines of our beliefs.
We need to be able to detect the mindset of scarcity so that we can adjust and shift from scarcity to sufficiency and abundance in possibilities.
A practical example of this different way of thinking is, "If I keep doing this… maybe something good will happen."
After all, who can claim to know the outcome of any situation with absolute certainty?
Let's set aside our tendency to try and control everything in life. Because the variables are objectively numerous.
And on the other hand, life has shown in many ways that it doesn't always go as planned.
We must abandon the desire to control outcomes, as in large part, this is impossible.
This is also an essential aspect of the proper mindset of abundance, which tells us:
"If things go according to plan, wonderful; if they don't, let's see what happens! What different and new can unfold before us?"
Why should we be sad or disappointed when we don't get exactly what we want?
Isn't it strange to expect such a thing when reality has proven in countless ways that there are numerous possible outcomes?
The world is so dynamic and complex that it's truly a small miracle when things go according to plan.
Perhaps we need to accept that this is the exception, not the rule. An exception that appears sometimes in our lives.
How is it possible, then, to expect that everything and everyone will function on time and in the specific way we desire?
The world of abundance and possibilities is not easy, as it requires letting go. And letting go to achieve this requires disengaging from the actions of control.
Letting go of control doesn't mean giving up, abandoning efforts, or shirking responsibility, waiting for manna from heaven.
We simply fight our battles correctly, make our efforts, pursue our goals, and take responsibility, while being open to the horizons of abundance and possibilities.
Life tends to reward us more when we approach it with an abundant heart and an open mind.
And this is neither abstract nor only about material wealth but also about the wealth of experiences, relationships, and our personal growth.
Of course, there are no guarantees. And anyone who offers them might be daydreaming... because life is not a transactional experience from which we can always expect to receive exactly what we give.
When we spread positivity, share what we love, and welcome others, we see the world become better, richer. And these actions come back to us in some way, but perhaps not always in the expected manner.
After all, the universe of abundance is simply described by basic mathematics...
(+) x (+) = (+)
(-) x (+) = (-) and, of course...
(-) x (-) = (+)
Let's not forget :
"In the world of measurements and numbers, you set a goal and strive for it. Meanwhile, in the universe of possibilities, you define the framework and let life unfold."

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